Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics Program
The Mathematical Physics program is the meeting point of Physics and Mathematics. In particular, it aims at addressing and researching the mathematical infrastructure needed in all areas of physics. Accordingly, the field of Mathematical Physics is actually all physics and it is the branch of physics that has the most important role in the emergence of the most basic theories that physics need. Mathematical Physics is one of the most special fields of physics that never loses popularity and basically all physics theories are based on. A good physicist is expected to have a good Mathematical Physics infrastructure regardless of the field he works. Active research topics of the Mathematical Physics program include cosmology and gravitation, theoretical dimensions of high energy and subatomic physics, quantum and conformal field theories, supersymmetry and group theories, geometric and topological field theories, investigation of the theoretical dimensions of classical and quantum mechanical phenomena, quantum optics, intensive There are many areas such as exposing the theoretical dimensions of popular application areas such as matter physics and quantum electrodynamics. Mathematical Physics program currently offers Master of Science (M.Sc) degree.
Doç. Dr.Ertan GÜDEKLİ
- Ertan GÜDEKLİ is Associate Professor at Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, Mathematical Physics Division. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from İstanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, Master and PhD from İstanbul University, Science Institute, Mathematical Physics Program. Research Areas: General Relativity Theory, Cosmology, Higher-Order Gravity Theories, Brane-world Models, Dynamical Systems.
Doç.Dr. GökselDaylanEsmer
- Göksel Daylan Esmer is Associate Professor at Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, Mathematical Physics Division. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from İstanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, master and PhD from İstanbul University, science institute, mathematical physics program. Her main research areas include mathematical physics, gravitation theories, black holes, motion of test particle around black holes, braneword.
Doç. Dr. MustafaSARISAMAN
- Mustafa Sarısaman graduated from Boğaziçi University, Physics Department in 2001. He completed his master's degree at Boğaziçi University, Physics Department. He received his PhD degree from University of Miami Physics, Department with the title of "Target Space Pseudoduality in Supersymmetric Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces". In the following year, he taught as an adjunct faculty at the University of Miami and Florida International University. Between 2010 and 2018, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Koç University, Physics Department on Spectral singularities, non-Hermitian and PT symmetric quantum mechanics and scattering problems and their various applications. Since 2018, he has been working as a faculty member in the field of Mathematical Physics at Istanbul University, Physics Department.
Doç. Dr.Değer SOFUOĞLU
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayşe ULUBAY