Marine Biology

Marine Biology Programme
Marine Biology Programme is an academic programme which carries out research studies and projects on the species composition, distribution and biomass of the living resources of our seas (phyto-zoo plankton, fish, benthos, marine mammals) and determination of the interaction of them with the environmental factors; population dynamics and stock assessments of the economically important species; coastal ecosystem and dynamics; determination of the effects of the pollutants on the marine environment and living organisms; bacterial diversity and bacterial pollution; endangered species and monitoring of them; the best ways of making benefit from living resources and determining the amount and the way of fishing efforts to maintain that.

Prof. Dr. Bayram ÖZTÜRK(

-Bayram ÖZTÜRK is a Professor and Head of Marine Biology Department.He received his Master and Ph.D. on Marine Biology from the Institute of Marine Sciences, Istanbul University, in 1990.His main interests are Mediterranean/ Black Sea and Global Marine Biodiversity , Ocean Conservation and Fisheries Governance issues .Actually, He is avisiting Professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Japan.


-Prof. Dr. Melek İŞİNİBİLİR OKYAR is a professorin Marine Biology Division of Marine and Freshwater Resources and Management Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her BSC degree in Istanbul University, and attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences for her PhD. She worked at Lecce University, Italy for 6 months to do postdoctoral researches. Her main research areas include zooplankton taxonomy and ecology, biodiversity, marine biotechnology, invasive species, marine pollution, climate change.

Prof. Dr. Gülşen ALTUĞ(

-GülşenAltug is a professor in Marine Biology Division of Department of Marine and Freshwater Resources Management at Istanbul University. She received B.S. degrees in Department of Biology of the "Faculty of Arts and Sciences" at Cukurova University. She completed her Ph.D. in "Institute of Science" at Cukurova University. Her researches focus on marine bacteriology including bacterial diversity and micro-geographical variations, clinical, industrial and ecological uses of marine isolates, bacterial pollution, epibiotic bacterial communities and anti-bacterial characteristics, bacterial remediation (oil degrading capacity of marine isolates), resistant bacterial isolates against heavy metals and antibiotics. She is also the inventing founder of the biotechnology start-up company named BIYOTEK15 R&D Training and Consulting Industry and Trade Ltd Company in ENTERTECH of Istanbul University Technocity.

Prof. Dr. Aydan Çetin KESKİN(

-Aydan Çetin KESKİN is Professor in Marine Biology Department at the Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, Istanbul University. She obtained her BSc in Faculty of Fisheries at the same university, and attended to Institute of Sciences in Istanbul University, for her PhD. Her main research topics include demersal fish assemblages, juvenile fish assemblages & nursery areas, fishing impacts on marine ecosystems, and interactions between global warming and fish assemblages. Last years, she has been working on ecosystem modelling (Ecopath with Ecosim) to identify the structure and impacts of fishing on the ecosystem in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Doç. Dr. Ayhan DEDE(

Ayhan Dede is a Assoc. professor in Marine Biology Department at Faculty of Aquatic Sciences at Istanbul University. He graduated from Istanbul University in 1991 with a degree in fisheries engineering and completed his MSc (1992/1995) and PhD (1995/2000) in marine biology programme at the Institute of Science, Istanbul University. Dr. Dede works as an Assoc. Prof. at the Marine Biology Department, Faculty of Aquatic Sciences at Istanbul University since 1993. He is mostly focused on cetacean and monk seals population distribution and size, strandings, bycatch, stomach contents, passive acoustic monitoring, migrations and movements through the Istanbul Strait, photo-id, conservation issues and also marine debris. He is a council member of Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV). He is also the member of the European Cetacean Society and Society of Marine Mammalogy.

Doç. Dr.Arda M. TONAY(

-Arda M. TONAY is an Associate Professor in Marine Biology Department of Faculty of Aquatic Sciences at Istanbul University. He graduated from Istanbul University with a degree in Fisheries Engineering and completed his MSc and PhD in Marine Biology Programme at the Institute of Science, Istanbul University. Her main research area is marine mammals; especially cetacean (dolphin and whales) and seals. He is national contact person of European Cetacean Society (ECS) and Regional Representative of Black Sea in ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee.

Doç. Dr. Bülent TOPALOĞLU(

-Bülent TOPALOĞLU is Assoc.Prof.Dr. in Marine Biology Division of Aquatic Sciences Faculty at Istanbul University. He obtained his first degree, B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Ege University, İzmir and attended to İstanbul University, Aquatic Sciences Faculty, Department of Marine Biology. He also obtained his Ph.D. degree in İstanbul University Institute of Graduate Studies In Sciences. His main research areas are benthic ecology, marine spongestaxonomy and the marine protected areas.

Doç. Dr. Onur GÖNÜLAL(

-Onur GÖNÜLAL is an Associate Professor in Marine Biology Programme at Istanbul University. He obtained his BSc from Faculty of Aquatic Sciences at Istanbul University. He attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences Marine Biology for his PhD. He worked in Gökçeada Marine Research Unit between 2007-2019. His main research areas include deep sea crustaceans, distributions and effects of alien species on the marine ecosystem.


-Nur Eda TopçuEryalçın is an Associate Professor in Marine Biology Division of Marine and Freshwater Resources Management Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her first degree, BSc, in Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France and attended to Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Department of Marine Biology and Ecology for Master degree. She earned her doctoral degree at the Istanbul University in marine biology programme. Her main research areas include the ecology of octocorals. The scope of the studies comprises distribution, demographic patterns, monitoring and population genetics of octocorals, mainly gorgonians but also other sessile benthic invertebrates.

Dr. Öğr. ÜyesiMuammerORAL(

-Muammer Oral is a Assist. Prof. Dr. in Marine Biology Department at Istanbul University Aquatic Science. He observed his degrees, BSc and PhD in Fisheries Faculty, İstanbul. His main research areas include Biology, Anatomy and Taxonomy, Fisheries Biology and Population Dynamics of Marine Fishes.