
Informatics is defined by the Turkish Standards Institute as “science that makes applications and researches related to systems and technology which are necessary for the collection, storage, processing, organization, classification, distribution, and use of information”. Informatics is also a discipline that deals with how people change technology and how technology changes people. Informatics discipline includes research, development and training activities related to the establishment, maintenance and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Information Systems that perform functions such as information collection, classification, storage, processing, transmission and presentation. Informatics, as a field of profession, aims to acquire the professional skills required for the development and use of information systems.

Informatics Program has been continuing its master education since 2003 and doctorate education since 2006 within the Institute of Graduate Studies in Sciences.

You can find detailed information about the Informatics Program at the address below:

Prof. Sevinç GÜLSEÇEN (PhD)  –  Program Coordinator  –  Program Koordinatörü

Dr. Sevinç Gülseçen completed her undergraduate education in 1984 at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, and received her master's and doctorate degrees from Istanbul University Faculty of Business, Department of Numerical Methods. She received the title of Associate Professor in Management Information Systems in 2006 and became a Professor in 2012. She continues her assignments as the Chair of the Informatics Department of Istanbul University, which started in 2005, and the Istanbul University Computer Science Research and Application Center, which she took over in 2012. Her areas of research and teaching interest includes Computer Programming, Artificial Intelligence, System Analysis and Design, KnowledgeManagement, Human Computer Interaction, and e-Learning. She has published her research in more than 60 papers in several national and international journals, conference proceedings and edited books such as International Journal of E-adoption,IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Educational Technology and Society, Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Education and Information Technologies, Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education: Creating Learning-Friendly Environment. Dr. Gülseçen is the chief editor of Acta Infologica, a peer-reviewed journal. Dr. Gülseçen speaks flently English, Bulgarian and Russian.​

Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem SELÇUKCAN EROL (PhD) - Program Deputy Coordinator – Program Koordinatör Yardımcısı

Dr. Çiğdem Selçukcan Erol received her doctoral degree from Istanbul University Institute of Graduate Studies in Sciences in 2010, and the title of Associate Professor in the field of Management Information Systems in 2018. She has been working at Istanbul University Informatics Department since 2003. She has been teaching Management Information Systems in the distance education program since 2016. Dr. Erol studies on Data Mining, Bioinformatics, Health Informatics and Artificial Intelligence. She gives undergraduate and graduate lectures in these areas and leads master and doctoral theses. In addition to her national and international publications and editorships, she is the editor of Acta Infologica.

Assist. Prof. İnci ZAİM GÖKBAY (PhD)

Dr. Inci Zaim Gökbaygraduated from Işık University Electronics Engineering Department in 2002. She received her master's degree in 2007 from Bahçeşehir University Department of Electrical and Electronics, and her doctorate in 2013 from Istanbul University Institute of Science, Biomedical Engineering Department. She worked at Bahçeşehir University between 2004-2014. She has been continuing her academic studies at Istanbul University Informatics Department since July 2014.She has been an academic consultant and coordinator in various projects supported by the EU, İSTKA, etc. Her research interests are clinicaldecision-making technologies, biomedical image and signal processing.

Assist. Prof.Zerrin AYVAZ REİS (PhD)

Dr. Zerrin Ayvaz Reis completed her education life at Istanbul University. She graduated from the Faculty of Science in 1987, and received her master's degree from the Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Numerical Methods in 1990, and her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Software Engineering in the Institute of Science in 1999. She is currently a faculty member at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies and is working at Istanbul University Informatics Department. She is Internet Technologies Association Board Member and a member of Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD).

Lec.Murat GEZER (PhD)

Dr. Murat Gezercompleted his undergraduate education in Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences in 1997. He completed his master's degree in Istanbul University Informatics Department in 2007 and then received his Ph.D. degree from Istanbul University Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department in 2014. He has been working at Istanbul University Informatics Department since 2011. He gives seminars and trainings on Linux, Image Processing and Machine Learning at events organized by various organizations. He takes part in various TÜBİTAK projects as a researcher and academic consultant.

Prof. Mustafa AKSU (PhD)

Dr. Aksu is a faculty member at Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law. He received his PhD degreefrom Tübingen Eberhard Karls University Law School in Germany. After receiving his PhD degree, he worked as an assistant at the chair of his doctoral supervisor (Prof. Dr. Picker). His research focus is civil law (civil law and law of obligations). Dr. Aksu is also interested in intellectual property law and IT law. In this context, he also conducted studies on the protection of computer programs in intellectual property law and in areas where the Internet and intellectual law overlap.

Prof. Selim YAZICI(PhD)

Dr. Selim YAZICI is Professor of Management and Organization at Department of Business Administration at Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences. He received his BSc degree at Mechanical Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, MBA and PhD. degrees at Business Administration from Istanbul University. His main research areas include Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Business Continuity Management, Ecosystem Management, and E-Learning. He is giving lectures in both Undergraduate and Graduate Levels.

Prof. Zuhal TANRIKULU (PhD)

Dr. Zuhal Tanrıkulu is a Professor of Management Information Systems (MIS) at Bogazici University in Istanbul. She received her B.S. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, M.S. in Computer Engineering, and Ph.D. in Management and Organization, specializing in MIS. Her current research interests focus on the implementation of information technology in organizations, analysis and design of integrated information systems, information systems management and security, learning management systems, and web service-based information systems.She has been published in Information Technology and Management, Educause Quarterly, Education and Science, International Review on Computers and Software, Yonetim (Management), the Journal of the Faculty of Education, Social Networking, and more. In addition, she presented many papers at academic conferences and these papers were published in conference proceedings

Assoc. Prof. Hulusi GÜLSEÇEN (PhD)

Dr. Hulusi Gülseçen graduated from Astronomy and Space Sciences Department of Ege University in 1980. He received his Master of Science degree in 1983 and his PhD degree in 1989 from Institute of Graduate Sciences of Istanbul University with the theses on “The Commensurability Problem in Asteroids” and “The Effects of Corriolis Force in Sunspots” respectively. Dr. Gulseçen is currently working at the Astronomy and Space Sciences Department of Istanbul University. His primary research and teaching interest is in the topics of double stars, data analysis and astroinformatics. He is lecturing both in Astronomy and Space Sciene Department and Informatics Department of Istanbul University respectively.

Assoc. Prof. Zümrüt ECEVİT SATI (PhD)

Dr. Zümrüt Ecevit Satı is a faculty member at Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration. She obtained her BSc degree from Dokuz Eylül University. She completed her PhD at Celal Bayar University Institute of Social Sciences Business Administration Program. Her research interests include Innovation Management, Digital Transformation Management, Digital Government, Electronic Business, Technology Management and Production Management.

Assoc. Prof. İrfan ŞİMŞEK(PhD)

Dr. Irfan Simsek completed his MA at Istanbul University in 2009 on the "Development of An Integratable Online Examination Module For E-Learning Systems". In 2008, he was invited to Melbourne University as a visiting scholar for six months. He studied online education and undertook training courses using the Second Life platform. He started his PhD at Istanbul University in 2009 on the "Development of a Web Based Intelligent Examination System According to Measurement and Evaluation Criteria in Education". He spent six months as post doctoral researcher at Northern Illinois University in USA supported by TUBITAK. Dr. Simsek has taken part in one TUBITAK and six EU Projects. His research area is virtual reality, augmented reality, eye-tracking, artifical intelligence and technology integration in education. For more detail click HERE.

Assoc. Prof. Nebahat AKGÜN ÇOMAK (PhD)

Dr. Nebahat Akgün Çomak graduated from Istanbul University Turkish Literature and Linguistic Department in 1986. She received her master degree at Istanbul University Turkish Literature and Linguistic Department in 1988, and her Ph.D degree at Istanbul University in Journalism Department. Her PhD thesis was about print media discourse in Ottoman newspapers. Her research areas are Critical Text Analysis, Symbolic Communication, Mythology, Narrative Semiotics and Linguistic, Digital Storytelling. She has so many national and international research papers and books in these areas.

Assoc. Prof. Seda TOLUN TAYALI (PhD)

Dr. Seda Tolun Tayalı is an Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at Istanbul University, School of Business. She obtained her undergraduate degree from Istanbul University School of Business, Business Administration program, and attended to I.U. Institute of Social Sciences, Quantitative Methods for her PhD. She worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Engineering Sciences Department, Auckland University. Dr. Tolun Tayalı has been teaching courses on business analytics, project management, and operations research. Her research interests focus on data analytics, machine learning, mathematical modeling, and optimization. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Istanbul Business Research (IBR) journal. Dr. Tolun Tayalı is also an entrepreneur and co-founded her company in Entertech in 2018 and has currently been conducting a software development project on financial portfolio optimization.

Assoc. Prof. Turgay KALAYCI (PhD)

Dr. Turgay Kalaycı is a Associate Professor in Decision Sciences Division of Information Systems Department at Bandırma 17 Eylül University Faculty. He received his undergraduate degree from Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Department of Mathematics Engineering. He received his PhD from Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Numerical Methods program. Her main research interests are fuzzy logic, fuzzy decision making, and geographic information systems.

Assist. Prof. Burak ŞİŞMAN(PhD)

Dr. Burak Şişman received two BSc degrees in Mathematics in 2006 and in 2010 in Business Administration. He completed his MSc at Istanbul University in 2009 and PhD at Istanbul University in 2014 Since 2018, he has been working as an Assistant Professor at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Hasan Âli Yücel Education Faculty. In his studies, he focused on educational robotics, education technologies, technology integration into education, distance education and machine learning. He has worked as a coordinator and researcher in many projects supported by the European Union and the other local institutions. He is a consultant of TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) in the field of robotics training. Dr. Şişman has patents on various topics with his colleagues. He is currently working as a visiting researcher at Twente University.