
Botany Programme

Botany is an important and current sub-science of biology. In the light of its knowledge in basic areas such as systematic, morphology, physiology and ecology, botany continues its development with molecular, omic technologies and bioinformatics approaches that have accelerated in recent years. Today, botanical studies, as well as preserving plant resources, are involved in multidisciplinary research, contributing to the basic data that can be used in different industrial activities such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, textiles. Our programme contributes to master and doctoral level education-training activities with the necessary infrastructure laboratories that follows the latest technologies.

In botany programme; researches are conducted in the fields of systematic, morphology, anatomy, molecular taxonomy, physiology, plant ecology, plant growth and nutrition, stress physiology, herbicides, phytochemical analysis, palynology, phytoremediation, plant genetics, phytopathology, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics. Thus, our programme focuses on a wide range of studies, from genomes to their products, such as conservation, detection, origins and technological approaches of our plant gene resources.

Botany programme with its academic staff and equipped laboratories with current technological devices, aims to develop new products with high added value by establishing multidisciplinary collaborations with University-R&D-Industry, using original scientific outputs, as well as basic science.

Click Here for Introductory Brochure

Click Here for Further Information About The Masters' Program

Click Here for Further Information About The PhD Program


Prof. Dr. Gül CEVAHİR ÖZ

Dr. Gul Cevahir Oz is a Professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her BSc degree from Biology Department of Istanbul University, attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences, Botanical programe for her Msc and PhD degrees. The main research topics are plant physiology, plant secondary metabolites, plant biotechnology, transcriptomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics.

  Prof. Dr. Muammer ÜNAL


Muammer Unal is a Professor in Botany Division of Biology Department of Istanbul University. He obtained, BSc, Department of Botany in Istabul University and attended to Department of Botany of Istanbul University for his PhD studies at 1977. His research areas include plant growth and plant nutrition, plant stress physiology, plant movements, plant toxicology, effect of herbicides and fungicides on plants. He is member of Turkey Biologist association and Federation of European Societies of plant physiology (FESPP).



Prof. Dr. Tamer ÖZCAN


Tamer Ozcan is a Professor in Botany Division of Department of Biology at Istanbul University. He obtained his first degree, BSc, in Istanbul University. He has completed MSc and PhD studies in Botany program of Institute of Sciences at the same University. His current research focuses on plant genetic resources, determination of polymorphisms in the species and their populations distributed in various habitat conditions based on molecular and biochemical characteristics and biochemical analysis in native species having nutritious, industrial and biomedical product potential as alternative and novel sources.




Aliye Aras is a Professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her BSc degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, her Msc and PhD degrees from Istanbul University, Institute of Science, Botany Program. Her research interests are plant systematics, plant morphology, plant embryology, paleobotanics, palynology, medicinal and aromatic plants.



Prof. Dr. Osman EROL


Osman Erol is a professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. He obtained his academic degrees, BSc and PhD, in İstanbul University, his main scientific interest is geophytes (bulbous plants). He studies plant systematics and plant anatomy in Botany Division.



Dr. Taylan Kosesakal is an Associate Professor and faculty member at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Botany Division. He obtained his bachelor's degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, and his Master's and PhD degrees from Istanbul University, Institute of Science, Botany Program. Scientific research topics are plant physiology, plant biotechnology, stress physiology and phytoremediation.



    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet BONA


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bona is a faculty member in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. He received his undergraduate degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. He received his PhD from Istanbul University, Institute of Science. The main research topics include plant taxonomy, plant systematics, numerical taxonomy and phylogeny. Between 2011-2012 and 2013-2014, he worked at the Biology staff of the Pharmaceutical Botany Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University. He is currently a guest researcher at the Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, Center for the Middle Eastern Plants (CMEP).




Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Sırrı YÜZBAŞIOĞLU

I. Sırrı Yuzbasioglu is an Associate Professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. He obtained his BSC degree in Istanbul University and attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences for his PhD. He worked in the Pharmaceutical Botany Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy between 2011-2019. He works in the field of systematic botany.



  Asst. Prof. Dr. Serap SAĞLAM

Serap Saglam is an assistant professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her BSc from Marmara University and attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences for her PhD. Researching the mechanism of sequential leaf senescence and cotyledon senescence occurring in plants, investigating the effects of plant hormones on plant growth and development, the effects of brassinosteroids on different physiological events are the main research areas. In addition, she also studies the effect of different growth substances on the growth and development and the amelioration of this process of plants grown in salt stress. She contributes to the field of agriculture by publishing the results of these studies.



Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdal ÜZEN

Asst.Prof.Dr. Erdal Uzen, is a faculty member at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Division of Botany. He received his bachelor's degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. He received his Msc degree and PhD from Istanbul University Institute of Science. Plant systematics, plant morphology, greenhouse cultivation, plant sociology, environmental biology, paleobotanics, economic botany, archeobotanics and palynology are among the his research topics. He is a member of Turkey Biologists Association and American Orchid Society


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mine SARSAĞ GÜMÜŞ

Mine Sarsag Gumus is an assistant professor in Botany Division of Biology Department at Istanbul University. She obtained her academic degrees, MSc and PhD, in İstanbul University. Her research interests include plant physiology, plant ecology, plant secondary metabolites and plant biology.





Asst. Prof. Dr. Fadime ERYILMAZ PEHLİVAN

Fadime Eryilmaz Pehlivan is an assistant professor in Botany Division of Biology Department Faculty of Science at Istanbul University. She obtained her BSC degree in Istanbul University and attended to Istanbul University, Institute of Sciences for her PhD. Her main research areas include plant anatomy, plant physiology, medicinal and aromatic plants, plant secondary metabolism, plant abiotic stress physiology and antioxidant system in plants. She is interested in antioxidant and epigenetic roles of vitamin C, especially.



Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan ÖZDEN

Hakan Ozden is assistant professor and member in the Division of Botany, Department of Biology, Istanbul University. He received his bachelor's degree from Istanbul University and completed his PhD at Istanbul University Institute of Science and Botanical Program. His research interests include plant physiology, plant ecology, stress and mechanisms in plants, plant molecular studies.


Dr. Işıl TULUM is a specially appointed assistant professor in Department of Botany at Istanbul University, is a Molecular Cell Biologist. She has been working on molecular mechanism of Mycoplasma pathogenicity and gene manipulation of Class Mollicutes, related to Mycoplasma which is a pathogenic bacterium known for human pneumonia etc. She obtained her BSC degree at Marmara University. She has completed her master’s degree at Istanbul University, Institute of Science, Botany Program. In 2011, she was awarded with the Japan Government Monbukagakusho: MEXT Research Fellowship for doctoral studies with the reference of the Japanese Embassy in Turkey and joined the Cell Biology Laboratory at Osaka City University. Dr. Işıl TULUM was trained under the supervision of Prof. Makoto Miyata and received her PhD from Osaka City University in 2014. She was appointed as specially appointed assistant professor at Osaka City University in 2014 and gave Trends in Biology 101 classes in both Japanese and English for junior students at the Departments of Biology and Medicine. In 2018, she moved to Department of Applied Chemistry at The University of Tokyo and joined the Biomolecular Energetics laboratory of Prof. Hiroyuki Noji. In addition, she has collaborated with research and development units of biotechnology departments of companies such as Daikin Industries, Ltd. (Japan) in a project to design antibacterial filters for air conditioners and Kurabo Industries, Ltd. (Japan) in a project to design antibacterial surface covers in hospitals and airports. In 2019, she was granted with TUBITAK- 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers and joined Department of Botany at Istanbul University. Her main research interests are molecular mechanisms of pathogenic pahtways of Mollicutes and their therapeutic applications, advanced microscopy techniques, phytopatology, bioengineering and synthetic biology. Dr. Tulum is a member of The International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM), The American Society of Microbiology (ASM), The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology and The Japanese Society for Bacteriology.