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Bioinformatics and System Biology


Today, it is of great importance to process, analyse, make sense of, and make useful and useful the huge biological data sets that are produced and accumulated exponentially from different sources, especially in health and biological sciences. Due to this need, the field of "Bioinformatics and Systems Biology" has emerged. This field of study helps us to better understand complex biological processes with an integrative perspective by transforming large data sets obtained from all organisms through experimental biology into mathematical models with the use of applied mathematical tools and techniques. Therefore, it is inevitable that the field of systems biology and bioinformatics will contribute to the fields of biology, medicine and biomedicine and its outputs will have a widespread impact and enable groundbreaking developments. Our programme will contribute to the other programmes in the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences with a complementary and supportive curriculum with an approach focused on education and training, research and development. The education and research strategy of the Master's programme in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology with thesis; computational biology, protein engineering, drug design and development, gene and genome editing devices, next generation vaccine technologies, synthetic biology, plant-pathogen genome analysis and metagenomic analysis, real-time imaging of pathogenic organisms with advanced microscopy techniques and early diagnosis systems, To provide a holistic perspective on priority research topics such as functional genomics, comparative genomics, NGS technology, Crispr-Cas9 technology, plant chemistry and bioactive component analyses, data science, biostatistics, machine learning in biology and to meet the research needs of our country in this direction. This programme will accept students from different disciplines (biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, molecular biology and genetics, medicine, pharmacy, bioengineering, computer engineering and biomedical engineering) with its diverse scope and will enable the training of qualified graduate Systems Biologists.

                                                                                            Prof.Dr. Gül Cevahir ÖZ

Gül Cevahir Öz is a lecturer at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Department of Botany and Director of the Plant and Herbal Products Application and Research Centre of our University. She received her B.Sc. degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Istanbul University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Botany Programme. His main research interests include plant physiology, oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanisms in plants, plant biotechnology, functional food, nutraceuticals, bioactive compounds and metabolomics.

(e-mail: cevahirg@istanbul.edu.tr)

Prof.Dr. Çiğdem EROL


In 2001, Dr. Erol graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, and completed her master's (2005) and doctorate (2010) degrees in Biology at the same university. Dr Erol received the title of Associate Professor in Management Information Systems in 2018 and became a Professor in 2024. He worked at Istanbul University Informatics Department between 2003-2024. Founded in 2024, she is the Head of the Department of Computer Science at Istanbul University Faculty of Science. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, conducts research and conducts theses in the fields of Data Mining, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Health Informatics and Artificial Intelligence. In addition to national and international publications, she is an editor in Acta Infologica and Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences journals. 

(e-mail: cigdems@istanbul.edu.tr)

Assoc.Prof..  Ali Cihan TAŞKIN

Dr.Ali Cihan Taskin’s research areas are laboratory animal embryology and assisted reproductive techniques. He graduated in the veterinary faculty of Istanbul University in 2004. He had externship studies in Surgery Department of Ludwing Maximilian University/Munich/Germany in 2002. And later. He worked as attending veterinarian in the Experimental Animal Facility at Kocaeli University during 2005-2008. He has worked mouse embryo researcher in transgenic core facility of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) during 2008-2012. He worked as laboratory coordinator as attending vet and established mouse IVF lab at Koç University. He is still working as associate prof in lab animal department of Istanbul University. 

(e-mail: alicihan.taskin@gmail.com)

Assoc.Prof. Mehmet Güven GÜNVER

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Güven GÜNVER completed his undergraduate education at Yıldız Technical University Mathematics Engineering Program in 2003, his master's degree at Istanbul University Health Sciences Institute Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Program in 2014, and his doctoral studies at Istanbul University Health Sciences Institute Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Program in 2018 and graduated with the title of PhD. . In 2019, he was appointed as a Physician Lecturer at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Statistics. In 2020, he was appointed as a Assistant Professor in the Biostatistics Department of Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, and received the title of Associate Professor in department of Biostatistics on 27.01.2023. As of 01.12.2023, he has been working as an Associate Professor in the same department. (e-mail: guven.gunver@istanbul.edu.tr)

Assist. Prof. Mehmet TARDU

Asst.Prof.Dr. Mehmet Tardu is a faculty member at Biology Department at Istanbul University. He received Molecular Biology & Genetics undergraduate degree from Bogazici University. After completing his Biomedical Engineering master's degree in Bogazici University, he completed Computational Sciences & Engineering PhD degree in Koc University . Afterwards, he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as a Research Fellow between 2017-2021. His main research interests include computational biology, RNA biology and RNA-based therapeutics. He established RNA Biology Research laboratory at Istanbul University. (e-mail: mehmet.tardu@istanbul.edu.tr)

Assist. Prof. Işıl TULUM

Dr.Işıl TULUM is a specially appointed assistant professor in Department of Botany at Istanbul University, is a Molecular Cell Biologist. She has been working on molecular mechanism of Mycoplasma pathogenicity and gene manipulation of Class Mollicutes, related to Mycoplasma which is a pathogenic bacterium known for human pneumonia etc. She obtained her BSC degree at Marmara University. She has completed her master’s degree at Istanbul University, Institute of Science, Botany Program. In 2011, she was awarded with the Japan Government Monbukagakusho: MEXT Research Fellowship for doctoral studies with the reference of the Japanese Embassy in Turkey and joined the Cell Biology Laboratory at Osaka City University. Dr. Işıl TULUM was trained under the supervision of Prof. Makoto Miyata and received her PhD from Osaka City University in 2014. She was appointed as specially appointed assistant professor at Osaka City University in 2014 and gave Trends in Biology 101 classes in both Japanese and English for junior students at the Departments of Biology and Medicine. In 2018, she moved to Department of Applied Chemistry at The University of Tokyo and joined the Biomolecular Energetics laboratory of Prof. Hiroyuki Noji. In addition, she has collaborated with research and development units of biotechnology departments of companies such as Daikin Industries, Ltd. (Japan) in a project to design antibacterial filters for air conditioners and Kurabo Industries, Ltd. (Japan) in a project to design antibacterial surface covers in hospitals and airports. In 2019, she was granted with TUBITAK- 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers and joined Department of Botany at Istanbul University. Her main research interests are molecular mechanisms of pathogenic pahtways of Mollicutes and their therapeutic applications,  advanced microscopy techniques, phytopatology, bioengineering and synthetic biology. Dr. Tulum is a member of The International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM), The American Society of Microbiology (ASM), The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology and The Japanese Society for Bacteriology.  (e-mail: iciltlm@gmail.com)

Assist. Prof. Yusuf Can GERÇEK

Assist.Prof. Yusuf Can Gerçek, PhD, is a faculty member at I. U. Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Department of Botany. He received his bachelor's degree from Istanbul University and his PhD degree from Istanbul University Institute of Science. His research interests include plant and food chemistry, chromatography and plant physiology. Between 2015 and 2023, he worked as a coordinator and researcher in 30 projects, published 24 publications in SCI journals and 40 presentation of conferences. Web of science H index is 10 and google scholar H index is 12. He is director of the Food Analysis Laboratory of the Plant and Herbal Products Application and Research Center of Istanbul University and is a member of the board. He took part as a responsible researcher in the establishment of the Faculty of Science Environmental, Food and Instrumental Analysis Laboratory.(e-mail: yusuf.gercek@istanbul.edu.tr)

Mehmet Ali Ertürk is an assistant professor at Istanbul University, Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies, Department of Computer Engineering. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Doğuş University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, and his Master's and Doctorate degrees from Istanbul University, Institute of Science and Technology, Computer Engineering. His research interests include digital twins, wireless communication protocols, and cybersecurity.

(e-mail: mehmetali.erturk@istanbul.edu.tr

                                                                                 Assist. Prof. Abbas MEMİŞ


Assist.Prof. Abbas MEMİŞ, a faculty member at Istanbul University, Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies, Department of Computer Engineering, received his BSc degree from Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering in 2010. He received his MSc and PhD degrees from Yıldız Technical University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering in 2013 and 2020, respectively.  Main research interests of Dr. Abbas Memiş are computer vision, image processing, medical image analysis, artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence in medicine/health. (e-mail: abbas.memis@istanbul.edu.tr)

Assist.Prof.Hande MORGİL GERÇEK

Dr. Hande Morgil Gerçek completed her undergraduate education at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology in 2009. She completed her master's (2012) and doctorate (2019) degress in Istanbul University Faculty of Science Biology programme and graduated with PhD title. As of 2014, she has been working as a research assistant at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Department of Botany. She teaches graduate courses and conducts research in the fields of Plant Molecular Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Next Generation Plant Breeding Methods and RNA Biology.

(e-mail: hande.morgil@istanbul.edu.tr