Astronomy and Space Sciences

Istanbul University Institute of Science Astronomy and Space Science Programme aims to nurture scientists who can contribute to scientific studies on a PhD level and who can conduct independent scientific studies, experts who can contribute to scientific studies on a MS level and who have the knowledge and skill to communicate. With the PhD degree our students become individuals who have the skills to conduct original research on a global level.
Our students find opportunities to work with data from national and international observatories’ telescopes. They also take part in national projects supported by TÜBİTAK or universities and various international projects and secure their future positions in the professional astronomers community by receiving a comprehensive education in scientific studies. The students complete their education by taking elective courses appropriate to their field of study, discussion settings and seminars on top of the basic education programme.
Our graduate students can receive education abroad in universities and research centres in the frame of the ERASMUS project. The following fields are studied in our department: Galactic structure, star clusters, binary stars, the Sun, high energy astrophysics, stellar atmospheres, extragalactic astronomy.

Prof. Dr. Tansel AK

Prof.Dr.Tansel AK obtained undergraduate degree from Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, İstanbul University in 1990. In the same year, he started his graduate education at Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, Istanbul University and obtained master degree with his thesis titled "Ultraviolet Spectra of Cataclysmic Variable DQ Her " in 1992. He earned PhD degree with thesis titled “Long-Term Behaviour of Dwarf Novae” in 1999. Prof.Dr.Tansel AK, who was promoted to Associate Professor in 2006 and to Professor in 2012, has been working in the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences since 1990. His main research subjects are the stellar astrophysics, cataclysmic variables, star populations and open stellar clusters.

Prof. Dr. Serap AK

Prof.Dr.Serap AK obtained undergraduate degree from Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, İstanbul University in 1987. In the same year, she started her graduate education at Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, Istanbul University and obtained master degree with her thesis titled "Investigation of M101 Star Field with Improved Transformation Formulae" in 1989. She earned PhD degree with thesis titled “The Effects of Metal Abundance and Interstellar Reddening in Three Colour Photometry” in 1995. Prof.Dr.Serap AK, who was promoted to Associate Professor in 2004 and to Professor in 2010, has been working in the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences since 1988. Her main research subjects are the structure, formation and evolution of our Galaxy, star populations, multi-colour photometry, metal abundance and distance calibrations, and open clusters. ​

Prof. Dr. Selçuk BİLİR

Prof.Dr.SelçukBilir, after obtained undergraduate and master degrees from the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, İstanbul University in 1993 and 1996 respectively, he completed PhD in 2002 with the entitled of “CCD Sloan Photometric Investigation of the Milky Way Galaxy”. Prof.Dr.SelçukBilir who achieved associate professor and professor titles in 2009 and 2014, has studied principal investigator and researcher in many TÜBİTAK projects. His main research areas are structure, formation and evolution of the Milky Way, open and globular clusters, photometric transformation equations, binary stars, and scientometry. ​

Prof. Dr. Tolga GÜVER

Prof.Dr.TolgaGüver completed his undergraduate education in Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 2001, and graduate education in Istanbul University Institute of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences department in 2008. His doctoral study is on the X-ray spectral properties of Magnetars, which are considered to be the objects having the highest magnetic field strengths in the Universe. He worked as a visiting researcher at the University of Amsterdam in 2007, at the University of Arizona, Department of Physics in 2008, at the Astronomy Department and Steward Observatory of the same university between 2009 and 2011, and at Sabancı University between 2011 and 2013 as a researcher. Dr.Tolga GÜVER's main research topics are observational features of neutron stars, thermonuclear X-ray bursts, high energy astrophysics, and observational astrophysics.

Prof. Dr. Yüksel KARATAŞ

Prof.Dr.YükselKarataş graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences in 1987. With his PhD thesis, named “Photometric Analysis of Field Stars in our Galaxy in 1995”, received Dr. title. He received the titles of associated professor in 2004 and professor in 2012. He has publications and citations on Multi Colour Photometry, Formation, Evolution and Kinematics of Our Galaxy and Open Star Clusters. He gives lectures on his research subjects on the undergraduate and graduate levels.​

Prof. Dr. Adnan ÖKTEN

Prof. Dr. Adnan Ökten, after obtaining undergraduate degree from the Istanbul University Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, in 1978, he got his master's degree in 1981 and his PhD in 1986 from Istanbul University Institute of Science. He was appointed as Associate Professor in 1989 and Professor in 1995. He held administrative positions such as the head of the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences and Head of Department of General Astronomy. His main research interests are solar physics and astrometry.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Türker ÖZKAN

Graduating from the Department of Astronomy in İstanbul University, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Türker ÖZKAN received degrees of master of science and doctor of philosophy from the same university in 1980 and 1987, respectively.He became an associate professor in 1989 and a professor in 1995. He held many positions as Director of İstanbul University Observatory Research and Application Center, Head of Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vice Dean of Faculty of Science, assistant director of Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, İstanbul University Senator, a Member of the Ethics Committee, Deputy Director of TÜBİTAK National Observatory. His main research interests are binary stars, solar physics, spectroscopy and data analysis.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Talât SAYGAÇ

Prof.Dr. Ahmet TalâtSaygaç completed his doctorate at Ege University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 1981, graduated from Istanbul University Institute of Science in 1983, and in 1993 with the study of "Optical and Ultraviolet Spectral Analysis of VW Hydri Cataclysmic Variable Star". Saygaç, who received the title of Associate Professor in 2002 and Professor in 2019, served as Deputy Head of the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences between 1998 - 2001 and 2015 - 2019, and Director of the Application and Research Centre of Istanbul University between 2010 and 2016. The main research topics are: Variable Stars and Star Systems, Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy, Astronomy Public Education and Popular Astronomy, Planetariums, Observatories and Telescopes. ​

Doç. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin ESENOĞLU

​Assoc. Prof. Hasan H. Esenoğlu, after obtained undergraduate and master degrees from the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, İstanbul University in 1986 and 1990 respectively, he finished PhD in 1996 with the thesis on the classification of novae based on spectroscopy and photometry. He was the guest astronomer at Asiago Astrophysical Observatory in University of Padova (Italy) for two years including before and after his doctorate. He worked at King Saud University (Riyat, Saudi Arabia) as Assis. Prof. in 2004 - 2007 and achieved the title of Assoc. Prof. in 2013. He has been working at the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences since 1988. His main research areas are novae and cataclysmic variables. Meteorites and archaeoastronomy are also thesis advisory fields.

Doç. Dr. Esma YAZ GÖKÇE

Assoc. Dr.Esma YAZ GÖKÇE has her MSc Degree in Astronomy and Space Sciences from Istanbul University, Science Faculty in 2000, MSc and PhD Degrees in Astronomy and Space Sciences from the same university, Institute of Graduate Studies in Sciences. Her thesis focused on the distribution and chemical abundance of stars in the middle latitudes of our galaxy in 2009. She started to work as Assistant Professor at the same department in November 2009. She was appointed as Associate Professor in 2014 and continues working in the same department. Her research focuses on are the structure, evolution and kinematics of our Galaxy, star clusters, distance calibrations. Recently, she started taking an interest in interstellar medium and extragalactic objects.    ​

Doç. Dr. Hulusi GÜLSEÇEN

Assoc. Prof.HulusiGülseçen graduated from Astronomy and Space Sciences Department of Ege University in 1980. He received his Master of Science degree in 1983 and his PhD degree in 1989 from Institute of Graduate Sciences of Istanbul University with the theses on “The Commensurability Problem in Asteroids” and “The Effects of Coriolis Force in Sunspots” respectively. Dr.Gülseçen is currently working at the Astronomy and Space Sciences Department of Istanbul University. His primary research and teaching interest is in the topics of double stars, data analysis and astroinformatics. He is lecturing at both in Astronomy and Space Science Department and Informatics Department of Istanbul University.


Assoc. Dr. Z. Funda BOSTANCI completed her undergraduate education in Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department, and her postgraduate education in Istanbul University, Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences. In 2009, she received her PhD with a thesis where she examined the physical properties of fine structures observed in solar chromosphere.She worked as visiting researcher at the Utrecht University in 2008 and also at the National Solar Observatory in Arizona between 2009 and 2011. She worked as postdoc at Sabancı University between 2011 and 2013. The main research topics areas of Dr. Z. Funda BOSTANCI include Gamma Ray Bursts, Open Clusters and Solar Flares.​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinan ALİŞ      

Asst. Prof.Dr. Sinan Aliş graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences in 2000. Then, he obtained his MSc and PhD degrees in 2004 and 2011, respectively. During his PhD, he was a visiting student at Nice Observatory (France) and Napoli Observatory (Italy) with the support of TÜBİTAK. After his PhD, again with the support of TÜBİTAK he has been a post-doctoral researcher at Nice Observatory. Since 2016, he appointed as Assistant Professorship and he is serving as the Vice Head of the astronomy department and vice director of the observatory. His research field mainly is extragalactic astronomy with a special focus on galaxy clusters and galaxy evolution. Dr.Aliş is representing the Turkish Astronomical Society (TAD) as the General Secretary. Dr.Aliş is also one of the team member of the Eastern Anatolia Observatory (aka. DAG) project.​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Asuman GÜLTEKİN ANNAK              

Asst.Prof. Dr. Asuman GÜLTEKİN ANNAK, after received undergraduate and master degrees from the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, İstanbul University in 1999 and 2004, respectively.She finished her PhD in 2010 with the thesis on studying fine structures, which were observed in different atmospheric layers within the field of view including a semi-active region of the Sun with high resolution observation, and determining various physical parameters of them. She has been working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences since 2014. Her major research interests are solar physics, solar spectroscopy, and two dimensional solar spectroscopy.​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mevlana BAŞAL

Dr. Lecturer Mevlana BAŞAL, after obtained undergraduate and master degrees from the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, Istanbul University in 1988 and 1991 respectively, he finished PhD in 1998 with the thesis on "The Problem of the Asymmetry of the Fraunhofer Lines in the Solar Spectrum”. His main research areas are the Sun, the solar system, the spectral line asymmetry. ​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Taşkın ÇAY

Dr.Çay completed the undergraduate program in Istanbul University, Faculty of Sciences, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 1995. He received his MS degree in 1998 completing his thesis titled "Determination of the Atmospheric Parameters of Ap Star HD 25267". He started working as a research assistant at the Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 1999. In 2002, he won the TÜBİTAK / NATO - A2 International Research Scholarship and worked as a visiting researcher in The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, Physics Department (USA) for a while. Defending his thesis titled "Spectral Analysis of the Supergiant Star Alpha Persei (FVIb) ", he has received his PhD in 2004. He was appointed as Assistant Professor at Istanbul University, Faculty of Sciences, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 2007. He still continues his studies in the field of stellar atmospheres at the same department. His main research interests include the atmospheric analysis of chemically peculiar stars, giant and supergiant stars, and the study of the Galactic chemical composition.​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İpek HAMAMİ ÇAY

After graduating from Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department in 1994, she completed her thesis titled "Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of Ap Star Alpha Dor (HD 29305)" in 1997. She received her master's degree from the Institute of Science.In 2002 she was a visiting researcher at The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, Physics Department (USA) for the period of PhD studies.In 2004, she obtained her PhD thesis titled “Spectral Analysis of 2 UrsaeMajoris (A2m) Metallic Line Stars”. She still continues her studies in the field of stellar atmospheres in Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department.Her main research interests include the analysis of chemical peculiar stars, atmosphere analysis of giant and supergiant stars, and the study of the Galactic chemical composition.​

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Can GÜNGÖR

​Asst. Prof. Can GÜNGÖR, completed undergraduate and master degrees in the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences in Science Faculty of Ege University. He obtained his PhD degree with his researches on ‘low mass x-ray binaries’ in the Department of Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University in 2016. Between 2015-2016, he worked in Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, Jena University Germany, as visiting researcher supported by TUBITAK 2214/A abroad research scholarship during PhD. Between 2016-2017, he carried out his post doc research first in Sabancı University, Faculty of engineering and Natural Sciences, then, between 2017-2019, he worked in Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences where Chinese first X-ray satellite has been operated and then in 2019, he again worked in Sabancı University as post doc researcher. Since 2020, he has been carrying out his research in the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences at Science Faculty of Istanbul University on observational and computational x-ray astrophysics.